

  • 产品编号:G0115
  • 中文名称:D-(+)-葡萄糖/D-(+)-Glucose/Dextrose/D-Glucose
  • 英文别名:Dextrose
  • CAS号:50-99-7
  • 分子式:C6H12O6
  • 分子量:180.16
  • 纯度:≥99.5%
  • EC号:200-075-1
  • MDL号:MFCD00063774


  • G0115-100g20
  • G0115-500g55


Densities of aqueous solutions (w/v) at 17.5 °C with

respect to water:
Concentration (%) 5 10 20 30 40
Density (g/ml) 1.019 1.038 1.076 1.113 1.149
Trace elemental analyses have been performed on the SigmaUltra glucose. The Certificate of Analysis provides lot specific results. SigmaUltra glucose is for applications which require tight control of elemental
Glucose is a main source of energy for living organisms. Glucose occurs naturally in the free state in fruits and other parts of plants. Glucose is combined into glucosides, disaccharides,oligosaccharides, the polysaccharides (cellulose andstarch), and glycogen.Glucose is a mixture of α- and β-anomers, primarily the α-anomer. The optical rotation of the α-anomer is +112.2°(c = 10% in water, 20 °C) and the β-anomer is +18.7°(c = 10% in water, 20 °C). When D-glucose is
dissolved in water, the optical rotation gradually changes (mutarotates) with time and approaches a final equilibrium value of +52.7°(c = 10%, 20 °C) due to the formation of an equilibrium mixture consisting of approximately one-third α- and two-thirds β-D-glucose.Normal human blood contains 0.08-0.1% glucose. Small amounts of glucose (also hydrogen peroxide or glucose oxidase) can be measured using luminol as a substrate with horseradish peroxidase.

Preparation Instructions
One gram of glucose dissolves in 1.1 ml of water at
25 °C and in 0.18 ml of water at 90 °C.

Solutions can be autoclaved.

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